2024 Categories Inclue: 

Agency of the Year

Digital Campaign – Non-Social Media

DTC Audio for Pharma and Life Sciences

Impiricus HCP Impact Award (free to enter)

Innovation Challenge

Medical Conference or Event Marketing

Multicultural Campaign

New Brand Launch

Online Video or Film

Pharma TV

Print for Consumer

Professional Marketing

Public Relations Campaign

Social Media for Consumer

Website for Consumer

Application Scoring

Applications will be scored by a panel of judges and the aggregate of the scores will determine finalists and category winners. Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:



Audience Impact

Social Good

True Innovation



What Do Winners Receive?

How Much Does it Cost to Enter?

What are the Important Dates and Deadlines?

How are entries judged?

How is the Agency of the Year category scored?

What information should I include in my entry?

Who is eligible to apply?

Is there a Discount for Submitting Multiple Entries?

Additional Questions